22 May 2019 Osaka Kaimei High School Student’s Visit
On May 22, 2019, 19 students of Kaimei High School second grader from Osaka visited us as part of Osaka manufacturing tourism. After explaining the company profile, we had a tour of the plant, a question-and-answer session with President Aoki, and a brief time, but I had a rich time. It seems that all the students are science-based, but they are not very interested in manufacturing. everyone! Manufacturing is fun!
日本原子力文化月刊誌「原子力文化」に好評連載中の「おもろいでっせ!モノづくり」第77回をUP致します。 下記URLよりご覧下さい。 ⇩ https://www.jaero.or.jp/data/03syuppan/genshiryokubunka/omoroi/omoroi1905.pdf
Thank you for your cooperation with the Higashi Osaka Rugby Foundation!
Two donation boxes were set up in the company from April 2016, and we asked customers who came to the factory our to cooperate with the donations from the Higashi Osaka Rugby Fund, but on March 31st we will raise funds. We finished, and delivered the donations that we received on April 22 to Higashi Osaka City. Thank you for your cooperation. Donation breakdown ①1,000 yen bill × 7 ②500 yen coin × 2 ③100 yen coin × 79 ④50 yen coin × 23⑤10yen coin × 433 ⑥5 yen coin × 426 ⑦1 yen coin × 1,568 ⑧ Malaysian currency 1 ringgit ⑨Korean currency 100 won Japan Total yen \ 25,078
2016年4月より社内に募金箱を2個設け、東大阪ラグビー基金の募金にご協力を工場見学に来て頂いたお客様方にお願いしてまいりましたが、3月31日で募金活動を終了し、4月22日に募金頂いたご浄財を東大阪市に届けて参りました。皆さまご協力有難う御座いました。 募金内訳 ①1,000円札×7 ②500円硬貨×2 ③100円硬貨×79 ④50円硬貨×23 ⑤10円硬貨×433 ⑥5円硬貨×426 ⑦1円硬貨×1,568 ⑧マレーシア通貨1リンギット ⑨韓国通貨100ウオン 日本円計 2万5078円
平成31年4月12日 KBS京都のラジオ番組「山田啓二のローカルフィット」にゲスト出演しました。パーソナリティーは前京都府知事の山田啓二氏とタレント川島あみるさん、生番組でトーク炸裂!